SalesTrak Initial Setup

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SalesTrak Initial Setup

Before you can begin using SalesTrak, a few files must be set up. These files determine how the system will operate and how it will be used. As the files are set up, it is important to understand how the files relate to one another and what impact an entry in one file will have on the system.

The following section gives a brief description of the files and some important fields that need to be entered. Since the system uses the entries in one file to validate the entries in another file, it is important that the files be set up in the correct order. The purpose of this section is to provide a brief overview of the files and their fields. Detailed field descriptions are contained in the help for that particular form. This section should be used as a reference when you set up the files.

Initial setup of SalesTrak consists of the following:


Options and Interfaces:  The Options and Interfaces screen is the first step in the initial setup process. The SalesTrak Options and Interfaces contains general system parameters that must be defined before any processing can take place. This form is located in the SalesTrak menu group and is accessible form the toolbar under the Maintenance menu.

oThe General tab contains the general SalesTrak processing parameters. It determines the next order number for both prospective moves and national account monitoring. It also defines the normal working hours for the salespeople.

oThe User Defined Move Screen tab is used to define the format of the user-defined fields on the Prospect Entry screen.

oThe User Defined Account Screen tab is used to define the format of the user-defined fields on the Account Prospect Entry form.

Salesperson:  Once the SalesTrak Control file parameters are defined, the Salesperson file must be setup. Every salesperson must be added. This file contains SalesTrak-related information about your salespeople. The Salesperson file maintenance is used to setup options such as SalesTrak passwords, commission rates and schedules. The Salesperson file also contains settings that are used in other parts of the system, such as Order Entry, Revenue Processing and Sales Processing. This file is located in the Order Entry and SalesTrak menu groups and is accessible form the toolbar under the Maintenance menu.


CSRs:  The CSR / Coordinator file is optional, but is also used by several other modules in Vans, including Order Entry and MoveTrak so it may already be setup. As part of the Salesperson setup, a CSR (Customer Service Representative) may be assigned to a salesperson and can be used to coordinate specific tasks in the cycle of a prospect.

Prospect Type:  As an optional procedure, the Prospect Type file would be the next step. Although Prospect Types are optional, it is highly recommended that they be added as they can aid in maintaining and organized and accurate database. The Prospect Type form is also located in the Maintenance menu of the toolbar in the SalesTrak menu group. This file defines the valid prospect types that can be used in the system and which prospect screen(s) they can be used on. If you want to allow prospects to be entered without a valid Prospect Type, then the Allow Empty Prospect Type box in the SalesTrak Control File Maintenance form must be checked.

Reason Lost:  The Reason Lost file is used to enter codes that explain why a prospect was lost. Even though this is optional, this is still an important part of SalesTrak, because it is critical to know why prospects were lost, and setting up the Reason Lost file allows this information to be more uniform and requires that valid Reason codes be entered.

Move Source:  The Move Source file is another option step, but as other options is still highly recommended. The Source file allows you to track where your prospect leads came from which can ultimately help you determine which of your advertising methods are producing results.

Valid Entry:  The final step in basic setup is the Valid Entry file setup The Valid Entry file provides a means to control the data that is entered into any user-defined fields that are added. This is also an optional step, but can prove very useful when used. Also found in the Maintenance menu, the Valid Entry file is used to setup validation for the user-defined fields on the Prospect Entry and the Account Prospect Entry forms. It is recommended that valid entries be set up for user-defined fields to insure that the entries in these fields will be consistent and accurate.