SalesTrak Reports

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SalesTrak Reports

This section provides information on various reports in SalesTrak. Reports can also be printed to the screen by using the BTN_PrintPreview  (print preview) icon.




Contact List

The Contact List program allows the you to print out, or view on screen, a list of contacts that meet user specified criteria.

Appointment Slip

The Appointment Slip option prints detailed information about the prospect for a given appointment.

Move Closing Ratios

The Move Closing Ratios option prints a report for the ratio of prospects with sales closed. The report can be printed for a single salesperson, a range of salespeople or all salespeople

Lost Account Prospects

The Lost Account Prospects report lists account prospect moves that were lost. The report can be printed for a single salesperson, a range of salespeople, or all salespeople. A date range can also be specified.

Lost Move Prospects

The Lost Move Prospects report lists prospect moves that were lost. The report can be printed for a single salesperson, a range of salespeople, or all salespeople. A date range can also be specified.

Printing from a Merge File

The Vans software can create a merge file which can be used, in conjunction with MS Excel and MS Word, to create a letter or mailing labels for all the prospects chosen.