Pass Thru Connector Upload Format


The following is a list of properties needed to support an upload requests followed by examples of upload requests in both JSON and XML format. Refer to Pass Thru Connector RESTful Upload Request for more on the request call.



Properties in the following table are referenced by both JSON and XML requests.


The order in which the properties appear may differ between each format. The properties provided here display in JSON order.


Omit all non-required properties referenced by your request. Specify null for required properties that you do not want set in your request.


If an object contains a <Type> property, then ensure that it is set. If it is not set, the application defaults the value to NULL (which may cause errors related to the missing type). In other words, if the object is specified, then the <Type> is required. This affects the following objects:  Addresses, Consigns, Phones (Order Phones), Agents, SitInfos, Voyages, ExtraStops (and ExtraStops Phone).


Properties that must be included in your request are in red, bold font.


Refer to Pass Thru Connector Content to view this data by functional area.


See for Pass Thru Connector XML Database Schema (XSD) to view specifics on required field data.


To clear or blank out a date, set the date to any of the following: “000-00-00”, “null”, or any date in 1970 or earlier. Note that setting a date to an empty string, such as closed quotation marks or a string of whitespace (e.g. spaces, tab, carriage return, line feed, etc.), instructs the application to ignore the field and not update MoversSuite.




The order of the property names in XML format must be exactly as displayed below or in the example illustrated through XML Lead Upload Request. If the properties are not set in the correct order, data will be considered incomplete and will cause errors.

All non-required fields can be omitted.

The properties provided in the table below display in JSON order.




MoversSuite Field/Description

Flow of Operations on an Import

When importing a record into MoversSuite, the application performs many steps to ensure that the correct record is updated or added to the system. The following steps provide a basic overview of what MoversSuite is looking for when determining to add or update an order, or reject the import with an error.



MoversSuite checks the following first, in the respective order, for a match for the provided van line identifier (VanLineCode):

1.    OrderSeg, PSeg, OSeg, SSeg (evaluated together as the Order Number)

2.    MssOrderID

3.    EstimateNo

4.    ExternalID (compares to what is defined in the XmlOrderLink table)

5.    GblNumber is checked last.

If no match is made after the above fields have been referenced, then MoversSuite assumes that you are attempting to add a new lead record; in which case, the AllowEmptyOrderCreate must be set to true and the application evaluates the OrderSeg and VanLineID combination.



When AllowEmptyOrderCreate property is set to true, MoversSuite evaluates the provided OrderSeg and/or EstimateNo values to determine if a new record for the provided van line (VanLineID) can be added. This combination of variables must be unique.

If successfully added, MoversSuite accepts the information and the order is added.


Whether adding or updating records, MoversSuite evaluates all data to verify that it is valid. For example, if providing an agent on the order, MoversSuite checks to see if the AgentID exists in Agent Setup. If one does not exist an error is returned. Further, the import process evaluates each agent assignment in the order of BOOK, ORIG, HAUL, and then DEST, to determine the branch of the order. One of the four agent assignments must be an agent on the branch (specified within Branch Setup).



This section provides the data needed to identify a record in MoversSuite. Refer to Order Number and Order Number Setup for more information on this value.



Adding a lead or order to MoversSuite, then leave this null.

If updating a MoversSuite order, then provide the identifier for the order (Orders.PriKey).



This is the data type map for the system that the request is processed through. Specifically this is the Name given to the Xml System Data Type associated to the Order Information type within the XML System Setup for the appropriate interface.

Refer to Pass Thru Connector Setup and Administration for more information.




Leave these fields null and the import process creates an estimate in MoversSuite.


Specify each of these fields as needed along with specifying a van line (VanLineID), if desired.

If the import process encounters a match on these fields, then the order exists in MoversSuite and will be updated. Otherwise a new order is created.

Refer to Order Number and to Order Number Setup for more information.









The import process evaluates this field along with the Order Number (OrderSeg, PSeg, OSeg, and SSeg), if specified, to determine whether to add or update a record.

If updating a MoversSuite order, then provide the estimate number for the order.

Manage this value in MoversSuite through the Estimate Number field within Name, Address, Phone.



If adding a lead or order, provide the identifier of the van line associated to the order. The value provided here is defined within the XML Interface Setup as the External Code for the appropriate Van Line Item. For example, under the XML Setup for a UniGroup setup, the External Code may be “M” for the Mayflower van line.



The ExternalID allows an external system a way to find orders or leads in MoversSuite when there is no order number or estimate number available at the time the “information” is being added to MoversSuite.  By using the same ExternalID on a subsequent upload request, you will be able to find this same order or lead even if the lead gets promoted to an order.



Provide the GBL to locate an existing record or to create a new order. The GblNumber is only referenced when other identifiers fail to locate a record or do not provide enough information to create an order.

Of note, on EasyDPS Integration requests, the GBL is used to locate orders.

To set the GBL Number for a MoversSuite order or lead, please specify the GBL within the Military property (below).


Set this to true to define a lead (non-booked order) in MoversSuite if no existing order is found based on the data provided, such as the OrderSeg, EstimateNo, ExternalID, or GblNumber.

MoversSuite recommends sending enough information to identify or distinguish a record in MoversSuite, such as the EstimateNo, ExternalID, etc. Otherwise, each subsequent attempt to send MoversSuite information will result in a separate, new lead.

If this set to false and no additional order identifying data is provided (such as OrderSeg, EstimateNo, ExternalID, and/or GblNumber), then no order update or insert will occur.


Setting this field to “1” instructs the application to not update any existing order dates in MoversSuite. If the Actual Delivery Date is set, for example, and this flag is set to “1”, then the application does not update the date with the contents of the DelvActual field. If the Actual Delivery Date on the order is not set, then the download does update the field no matter whether the KeepExistingDates flag is set or not.

If utilizing this flag, it must be set immediately after the AllowEmptyOrderCreate field.


Provide the commodity code of the order. This value is the Commodity Code identifier set within Commodity Setup and is linked to the Commodity set for an order within Move Information. For example, a commodity for household goods may have a Commodity Code of “HHG.”


Provide the identifier associated to the shipment type assigned to the order. This value corresponds to the Van Line Code linked to a Shipment Type Setup record that links to the Shipment Type set for the order through Move Information, i.e. a Shipment Type of “Military” may have a Van Line Code of “M” that is set for this property.


Provide the shipment status for the order. This is the External Code assigned to the Shipment Status Setup record that is managed/set for an order through Set Shipment Status. For example, your company may have an External Code of “LEAD” assigned to a Shipment Status of “Lead” defined within MoversSuite.


Provide the lead source for the order. This is set as the External Code associated to the appropriate Lead Type Setup record. For example, your company may have defined a type of “Referral” with an External Code of “R” linked. For this case, the LeadSource is set to “R”.

Manage the Lead Type through the Lead Source field on the Name, Address, Phone tab.


Set the last name or company name of the shipper. This field is manage through the Last Name/Company Name field on the Name, Address, Phone tab.


Set the first name of the shipper. This field is manage through the First Name/MI field on the Name, Address, Phone tab.


Set the email for the shipper. This field is manage through the Email field on the Name, Address, Phone tab.


Set up to three address records for the order based on the Type (ORIG, DEST, MOV2). These addresses appear within the Name, Address, Phone tab.

Type is required if this object is specified.



Set the address for the order based on the following types:


Sets the Moving From address within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets the Moving To - Primary address within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets the Moving To - Secondary address within the Name, Address, Phone tab.




Provide the third line of the address for the specified type.



Provide the second line of the address for the specified type.



Provide the first line of the address for the specified type.



Provide the city of the address for the specified type.



Provide the two character state code for the address for the specified type.

State code values are defined within State Setup.



Provide the postal code of the address for the specified type (in NNNNN or NNNNN-NNNN format).



Provide the county of the address for the specified type.






Provide the country identifier for the address. Set the Country as the Van Line Country Code that links to a Country Code Setup record. Example of a Van Line Country Code might be “USA” for a Country Name of “United States of America.”


Set up to two consignor/consignee records for the order based on the Type (DEST, ORIG). Consignor/consignee data appears within the Name, Address, Phone tab.

Type is required if this object is specified.



Set the consignor/consignee for the order based on the following types:


Sets the Consignee data within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets the Consignor data within the Name, Address, Phone tab.




Enter an identifier for the consignor/consignee. This corresponds to the Consignor or Consignee field within Name, Address, Phone.



Provide a contact name for the consignor/consignee.






Use this section to set the consignor and consignee phone numbers for the corresponding Type (DEST or ORIG).

Setting this phone number updates the Phone and Extension fields for the Consignor and/or Consignee within the Name, Address, Phone tab.




Provide the identifier of the country to determine which phone format is needed. The Country set here links to a Phone Country Code for the appropriate Country Code Setup record. A Phone Country Code of “1” identifies the phone type appropriate for many North American countries.




Enter the area code for the phone number, e.g. “970.”




Provide the local portion for the phone number, e.g. “256-1616.”




Provide a phone extension for the phone number, e.g. “4748.”


Setup phone numbers for the order based on the Type. These correspond to the phone numbers set within the Shipper Contact Information section within Name, Address, Phone.

Of note, there are six standard types. Additionally, you can specify as many phone records as needed for each custom type defined within Shipper Phone Type Setup.

Type is required if this object is specified.



Set the phone records for the order based on the six standard types:


Sets a phone for the “Destination Home” type within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets a phone for the “Destination Other” type within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets a phone for the “Destination Work” type within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets a phone for the “Moving To Home” type within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets a phone for the “Moving To Work” type within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets a phone for the “Origin Home” type within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets a phone for the “Origin Other” type within the Name, Address, Phone tab.



Sets a phone for the “Origin Work” type within the Name, Address, Phone tab.


Additionally, you can specify any number of phone records for any and all phone types defined within Shipper Phone Type Setup. The type provided for the property must match exactly to the phone type defined within MoversSuite. For example, if your company has a type of “Cell Phone,” then you can set “Cell Phone” for the Type when defining phone records.



Provide the ranking number for the phone number entry. This is position of the phone number within the list, with “1” being the first phone number displayed on the list.



Provide the identifier of the country to determine which phone format is needed. The Country set here links to a Phone Country Code for the appropriate Country Code Setup record. A Phone Country Code of “1” identifies the phone type appropriate for many North American countries.



Enter the area code for the phone number, e.g. “970.”



Provide the local portion for the phone number, e.g. “256-1616.”



Provide a phone extension for the phone number, e.g. “4748.”


Enter up to four agents on the order based on the Type specified (BOOK, ORIG, HAUL, DEST). The Type corresponds to the four types available on the Agents tab.

Of note, if the agent specified does not exist in MoversSuite, an Agent Setup record will be added based on the following data.

The import process evaluates each agent assignment in the order of BOOK, ORIG, HAUL, and then DEST, to determine the branch of the order. One of the four agent assignments must be an agent on the branch (specified within Branch Setup).

Type is required if this object is specified.



Provide the identifier for the agent.

The AgentID and VanLineID are needed to retrieve or define an agent record in MoversSuite through Agent Setup.

If the AgentID begins with the van line identifier, e.g. “U”, then this value must also be set as the VanLineID. The application processes the AgentID without the identifier. For example, an agency number of “U0123” is interpreted as the Agent ID of “0123” within Agent Setup. Additional verification is needed to evaluate the VanLineID as well.



Provide the name of the agent.



Set the agents for the order based on the four standard types:



Sets the Booking Agent within the Agents tab.



Sets the Origin Agent within the Agents tab.



Sets the Hauling Agent within the Agents tab.



Sets the Destination Agent within the Agents tab.




Provide the identifier for the van line associated to the agent. In MoversSuite, this is typically a single-digit character, such as “U” for “United Van Lines.”

This identifier links to the Van Line Code set within Van Line Setup for the Van Line associated to the agent record (as set through Agent Setup).

The AgentID and VanLineID are needed to retrieve or define an agent record in MoversSuite through Agent Setup.


Provide the actual delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the Actual Delivery Date set within Move Information.


Provide the early delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the first Delivery Date within the Range tab within Move Information.


Provide the latest delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the second Delivery Date within the Range tab within Move Information.


Provide the preferred delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the Preferred Delivery Date set within Move Information.


Provide the actual load date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the Actual Load Date set within Move Information.


Provide the early delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the first Load Date within the Range tab within Move Information.


Provide the latest delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the second Load Date within the Range tab within Move Information.


Provide the preferred delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the Preferred Load Date set within Move Information.


Provide the actual pack date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the Actual Pack Date set within Move Information.


Provide the early pack date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the first Pack Date within the Range tab within Move Information.


Provide the latest delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the second Pack Date within the Range tab within Move Information.


Provide the preferred delivery date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the Preferred Pack Date set within Move Information.


Provide the estimate time of arrival date of the move (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the Estimated Time of Arrival date set within the Other tab on Move Information.


Provide the date the move was assigned (in CCYY-MM-DD format). This affects the Assigned On Date set within the Other tab on Move Information.


Set the salesperson on the order by providing the identifier that links an interface to the appropriate Personnel Setup record. This setting corresponds to the User ID field within Employee Interface Mapping in Personnel Setup.

This setting affects the Salesperson assigned to the order through the Name, Address, Phone tab.


Set the OA Surveyor on the order by providing the identifier that links an interface to the appropriate Personnel Setup record. This setting corresponds to the User ID field within Employee Interface Mapping in Personnel Setup.

This setting affects the OA Surveyor assigned to the order through the Agents tab.


Use this property to assign a driver to an order. The order must exist in MoversSuite, as identified by the OrderNumber property (above) and auto-dispatching must be turned on (see Auto Dispatching).

The driver is assigned to an order/trip through Long Distance Dispatch.

MoversSuite does not allow driver assignments to leads.

The request process uses the following information to locate and assign a driver to an order. You can specify either the UserId or the combination of Id, Agent, and AgentCode to identify the correct driver. IMPORTANT: Avoid using both of these methods to locate a driver.



Provide the Driver Number of the driver defined within MoversSuite. This value is set within the Dispatch tab in Personnel Setup.



Provide the identifier that maps this driver to an external interface, including any leading zeros, e.g. “0631.” The UserId here links to the User ID set within Interface Mapping in Personnel Setup for the appropriate interface.



Provide the agent identifier and agency code linked to this driver. The AgentCode is typically the van line affiliated to the agent, such as “M” for Mayflower. The Agent and AgentCode are needed to retrieve the agent record defined in MoversSuite through Agent Setup.





Provide the van number assigned to the driver. In MoversSuite, the Van Number is set for a driver through the Dispatch tab on their Personnel Setup record; Van Number values are defined within Equipment Setup and displays for an order through the Agents tab.



Provide the driver’s first name. In MoversSuite, the First Name is set within the General tab on the Personnel Setup record.



Provide the driver’s last name. In MoversSuite, the Last Name is set within the General tab on the Personnel Setup record.






















Provide the email address of the driver. In MoversSuite, the Email Address is set within the General tab on the Personnel Setup record.


Provide the hauled weight of the order as managed through the Hauled Weight field on the Move Information tab.


Provide the estimated weight of the order as managed through the Estimated Weight field on the Move Information tab.





Define up to two SIT records based on the Type. This data is managed in MoversSuite within the SIT Information section found on the SIT/Recurring Billing tab.

Type is required if this object is specified.



Provide the agent identifier linked to this SIT record. The AgentId and VanLineID are needed to set the agent associated to the SIT record within the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).



The application does not overwrite existing SIT data in MoversSuite on downloads. However, you can set this flag to a value of “1” to force the application to update MoversSuite with the contents of the SIT fields included in the download.

If utilizing this flag, it must be set immediately after the AgentId field.



Set the appropriate SIT record based on the following types:



Sets the Destination data within the SIT Information section.



Sets the Origin data within the SIT Information section.




Provide the authorization information for the SIT data. Manage this value in MoversSuite through the Authorization field on the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).



Provide the number of anticipated days for SIT. Manage this value in MoversSuite through the Days field on the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).



Provide the date that the order went into SIT. Manage this value in MoversSuite through the In Date Actual field on the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).



Provide the anticipated date that the order goes into SIT. Manage this value in MoversSuite through the In Date Estimated field on the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).



Provide the date that the order went out of SIT. Manage this value in MoversSuite through the Out Date Actual field on the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).



Provide the anticipated date that the order is to go out of SIT. Manage this value in MoversSuite through the Out Date Estimated field on the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).



Provide the expected date that SIT is set to expire. Manage this value in MoversSuite through the SIT Expiration field on the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).



Provide the identifier for the van line associated to the agent. In MoversSuite, this is typically a single-digit character, such as “U” for “United Van Lines.” The AgentId and VanLineID are needed to set the agent associated to the SIT record within the SIT/Recurring Billing tab (under Origin or Destination based on the Type).

The AgentId and VanLineID are needed to retrieve or define an agent record in MoversSuite through Agent Setup.


Use this section to define Vessel/Voyage and Flight Information data for the order (managed through Shipping Information tab). You can create multiple records of each Type specified (AIR or SEA).

Type is required if this object is specified.



Provide a description for the vessel/voyage record. Manage this value through the Vessel/Voyage (SEA) or Flight Number (AIR) field within the Shipping Information tab.



Set the Type to determine whether the record is associated to transportation by AIR or by SEA.



Provide the name and code for the vessel/voyage location. The PortName and PortCode are needed to retrieve or define a record, which is managed in MoversSuite through the Destination Port within the Shipping Information tab.

If no matching record exists for the PortCode, then one will be created in MoversSuite automatically.

Refer to Port Setup for information on defining supported port values.





Provide the estimated departure date for the shipment. Manage this data through the ETD field within the Shipping Information tab.



Provide the actual date of departure for the shipment. Manage this data through the Departure field within the Shipping Information tab.



Provide the estimated arrival date for the shipment. Manage this data through the ETA field within the Shipping Information tab.



Provide the actual date of arrival for the shipment. Manage this data through the Arrival field within the Shipping Information tab.


Set AllowUpdateOnMemos to true to update any existing note records that may exist for this order in MoversSuite.

This setting works in conjunction with the MatchMemosByCreateDate to update records based on an exact match on the CreateDate; if a match is found by NoteSubject for the same CreateDate, then the content of the NoteMemos replaces what is in MoversSuite. Otherwise, a new notes record is created with the Memos content.



Specify any number of Notes (memos) records using this section. Data set for the memo is visible in MoversSuite through the Note dialog and through the Notes tab.



Provide the date the note was added to the system (in CCYY-MM-DD format).



Provide the code needed to retrieve the note type. The upload compares this VanLineCode value to the Van Line Code set within Note Type Setup to retrieve the Note Type of the record.



Provide the subject or tagline for the memo.



Provide the body of the message.


Specify any number of Extra Stops records for each Type (PICK or DEL).  Manage stop records through Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop.

If specifying Extra Stops in your request, then the Type must be specified as well.

Also, verify that the Type and StopNumber together are unique. For example, there cannot be two deliveries (DEL Type) with the same StopNumber.

Type is required if this object is specified. The stops added through the Extra Stops option are listed on the report based on their assigned Stop Number with Pickup items followed by Delivery items. Here’s how the Extra Stops sections would display:

Pickup 1
Pickup 2
Pickup 3
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Delivery 3


However, the display order can be customized through the Extra Stops option.



Set the type of extra stop record from the following options. The Type must be set for all Extra Stop parameter.



Defines the record with a Stop Type of “Delivery” as managed through Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop. This type generally indicates that goods are moved from carrier’s truck to the customer.



Defines the record with a Stop Type of “Pickup” as managed through Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop. This type generally indicates that goods are moved from the customer’s possession to the carrier’s truck.




Provide the number that determines the stop sequence for this record. Manage this setting through the Stop Number field in Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop.



Provide the name of the company managing the order at the stop location. Manage this setting through the Company field in Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop.



Provide the name of the contact person at the managing company. Manage this setting through the Contact and Name fields in Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop.



Set up to three phone numbers for each stop based on the Type.




There can be up to three phone numbers for each stop record based on the following values:


Sets the phone number for the contact person, which corresponds to the Contact Phone and Phone fields within Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop.



Sets the phone number for the contact person, which corresponds to the Home Phone field within Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop.



Sets the phone number for the contact person, which corresponds to the Work Phone within Extra Stops and Add Extra Stop.


Type is required if this object is specified.




Provide the identifier of the country to determine which phone format is needed. The Country set here links to a Phone Country Code for the appropriate Country Code Setup record. A Phone Country Code of “1” identifies the phone type appropriate for many North American countries.




Enter the area code for the phone number, e.g. “970.”




Provide the local portion for the phone number, e.g. “256-1616.”




Provide a phone extension for the phone number, e.g. “4748.”



Provide the third address line for the company at the stop location.



Provide the second address line for the company at the stop location.



Provide the first address line for the company at the stop location.



Provide the city for the company at the stop location.



Provide the two-character state code for the company address.

State code values are defined within State Setup.



Provide the postal code of the address for the specified type (in NNNNN or NNNNN-NNNN format).



Provide the name of the county that the company at the stop location resides.






Provide the country identifier for the address. Set the Country as the Van Line Country Code that links to a Country Code Setup record. Example of a Van Line Country Code might be “USA” for a Country Name of “United States of America.”


Use this segment to add military information for the order. Data in this section is managed through the Military/Government tab.



Provide the military branch of service the shipper is associated with. MoversSuite defines assignable values within Branch of Service Setup and manages this field through the Branch of Service field for the order within the Military/Government tab.



Provide the military channel the shipper is associated with. Manage this data through the Channel field within the Military/Government tab.


Code of Service

Provide the military code of service the shipper is associated with. MoversSuite defines assignable values within Code of Service Setup and manages this field through the Code of Service field for the order within the Military/Government tab.



Provide the identifier for the destination base code. The DestinationBaseCode is typically a four-character code defined in MoversSuite within the Base Setup.

Setting a defined base code automatically sets the DestinationBaseName and DestinationBaseState values.

Manage data for this base through the Destination field within the Bases section on the Military/Government tab.







Provide the GBL for the order. This value is managed in MoversSuite through the GBL Number field in Military/Government.

Provide the Government Bill of Lading number for the shipper. Manage this data through the GBL Number field within the Military/Government tab.



Provide the identifier for the origin base code. The OriginBaseCode is typically a four-character code defined in MoversSuite within the Base Setup.

Setting a defined base code automatically sets the OriginBaseName and OriginBaseState values.

Manage data for this base through the Origin field within the Bases section on the Military/Government tab.







Provide the military rank or grade for the shipper. Manage this data through the Rank/Grade field within the Military/Government tab.



Provide the military SCAC for the carrier providing services on the move. MoversSuite retrieves the carrier on the order by comparing the ScacNumber to the SCAC Code within Carrier Setup (Military/Government).

Manage the carrier through the Carrier field within the Bases section on the Military/Government tab.



Provide the military service order number assigned to the order. Manage this data through the Service Order Number field within the Military/Government tab.



Provide the Social Security Number for the shipper. Manage this data through the SSN field within the Military/Government tab. Note that for security purposes, you can specify just the last four digits of the SSN using the “XXX-XX-NNN” format for the input.


Use this segment to add automobile data to the order. Information in this section is managed through the Automobile section within the Move Information tab.



Provide the manufacturer make for the vehicle. This value corresponds to the Make field within Move Information.

The MoversSuite data supported by this field is defined within Auto Make Setup.

The Make must match a make supported by the external system. Establish the link between MoversSuite and the external system through the Interface Item section within Auto Make Setup.



Provide the manufacturer model number for the vehicle. This value corresponds to the Model field within Move Information.



Provide the weight of the vehicle. This value corresponds to the Weight field within Move Information.



Set this value to “true” if this vehicle record is included with the shipment, i.e. being shipped with the order. Set this to “false” otherwise. This value corresponds to the Auto With Shipment flag within Move Information.



Provide the year the vehicle was manufactured. This value corresponds to the Year field within Move Information.




Pass Thru Connector XML Database Schema (XSD)

SIRVA QPD Integration